Asia // Senior Photography

i just want to say first off that this is my FIRST blog post!! yay!! i am so excited to be creating this website. i really enjoy taking people's photographs ever since i could remember. i love capturing each person's own unique sense of beauty.

although i've always enjoyed photography, i never used it as a business tool until my good friend, crystal rodriguez, asked me to take her senior pictures. she was my first customer and the inspiration for starting my own little business!

in this blog post i will be talking about my shoot with asia! i have shot miss asia before, but the weather wasn't much to our liking. i'm so glad we decided to take more pictures on a sunny day! it really made a difference. although it was very windy and chilly, we trooped through it.

here's to confusing posing instructions, chilly weather, and to some guy telling us about his mixtape:

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